ThruTalk Scripts

As you begin to create your ThruTalk scripts, you may be wondering what you want to say on your phone call. While scripts will be different depending on the context of your phone bank, there are a few general principles that are universal.

NOTE - The script writer can use non-latin characters, so don’t be afraid to use them! If a non-English monolingual script requires a review, please supply a translation for non-English/Spanish scripts. We cannot, however, provide translations.

Below are some sample scripts for various scenarios that you may phone bank for. Each scenario picks up after the default starting question and assumes that the caller is speaking with the correct person.


Ballot Chase

The goal of ballot chase is to track down voters who’ve received a vote-by-mail ballot and remind them to turn in their ballot. The basic principle here is to quickly ascertain that they have received a ballot and to inform them where they can drop it off or (if they have not yet received one) tell them what they will need to do to obtain one, if legally entitled to one.


Hi %first name%, I’m ____ with ________. We’re calling because ballots have been sent in the mail. Have you received your ballot yet?

  • If Yes - Great! We’re just reminding you to be sure to drop your ballot off at the nearest drop box by Election Day! [End]
  • If No - That’s too bad. Some should still be in transit. When you get your ballot, be sure to drop it off at the nearest drop box by Election Day! [End]

Event Recruitment

The goal of an event recruitment phone bank is to maximize turnout at an event. Your guiding light here is engagement. You want to ask open-ended questions to get buy-in from your constituents and then provide the event details.


Hi {{first_name}}, I’m ____ with ________. We’re planning to have a _____ this _____, and we’re inviting people in the community to join us! Can you make it?

  • If Yes- Excellent! We can’t wait to have you meet the candidate! The ____ is at _____, and we’ll be starting at ___! Can I send you a text message or email to make sure you have all the info on your phone?
    • If Yes - Text (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good number to text you?
      • (Once Info Is Input) Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___! [End]
  • If No - That’s okay! Thanks for your time! [End]


The goal of a fundraising phone bank is to raise money for the Campaign. Rather than jumping into a hard ask, you want to bring your contact to the point where they are ready to give. This can be done by having the contact have a personal story or by asking a series of policy-related questions that drive them to want to pledge to your side.


Hi %first_name%! This is ____ with _____! _______ is running to make lives better for your community. This campaign is important to me because (personal story here). What issue is most important to you?

  • If No - That’s fine. Thank you for your time. [End]
  • If Any Other Issue (Use positive talking point about candidate's position re: issue)That’s why your help in this fight is so important to us. Do you think you can support us with a gift of ___?
    • If Yes- Excellent! Thank you so much %first_name%!  Can I send you a text message to make sure you have all the info on your phone?
      • If Yes - Text (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good number to text you?
    •  If No- I understand {{first_name}}, but we really need you in this fight to help us accomplish ____. Do you think you can help us with a gift of ___?
      • Yes: Go back to the first “Yes” flow.
      • No: Repeat “no” flow or go to [End]


The goal of a GOTV phone bank is to maximize your voter turnout. You don’t necessarily want to remind people who don’t support your candidate to turnout. While your GOTV lists should be pretty clean by this point, you may still want to gauge support before reminding them to vote. Be sure that the address being used for both the polling location and the contact’s home address are accurate so your callers can read it to the caller. While in other circumstances having additional tabs open can drag your computer speeds, the benefits of being able to look up a contact’s polling location (if your records are incorrect) may override this concern.


Hi %first_name%! I’m ____ from ____! _____ is working to (improve issue). Can they count on your vote?

  •  If Yes - Will Vote - Excellent! Thanks for your vote! We’re just calling to say Early Voting has started/will start on ____! I have your polling place as {{polling_location}}, be sure to get out and vote! [End]
  •  If Yes - Already Voted - Excellent! Thanks for your vote! Have a great rest of your day/evening![End]
  •  If No - Not Voting - That’s too bad! Voting is very important, what issue is most important to you?[Shift to persuasion script]
  •  If No - Thanks for your time! Have a great rest of your day/evening! [End]

Support ID

The goal of a support ID phone bank is to gauge the level of support for your candidate and to mark people for volunteer and event recruitment and for GOTV operations.


Hi %first_name%! I’m ____ from ______! _________ is running to (important issue), can they count on your vote?

  • If 1 - Strong Support - Excellent! Thanks for your vote! [Shift to Event or Volunteer Recruitment script]
  •  If 2 - Lean Candidate - Excellent! Thanks for your vote! [Shift to Event or Volunteer Recruitment script]
  •  If 3 - Undecided - That’s fine, we should all think about who we want to vote for, its an important decision! I’d love to be able to tell you a bit more about {{candidate}}, what issues are most important to you?[Shift to persuasion script]
  •  If 4 - Lean Opponent - That’s okay, I’d love to hear more about why you’re interested in {{opponent}}, what issues are most important to you? [Shift to Persuasion Script]
  •  If 5 - Strong Opponent - That’s okay, thanks for your time! [End Panel]


The goal of a persuasion phone bank is to speak to undecided voters to convince them to move over to your side. For these types of phone banks, you should be sure to prepare a set of talking points and rebuttals to allow your callers to know what to say. As these conversations can twist and turn, it may behoove your callers to have these documents in paper in case the conversation takes a wild turn, but it is possible to program these turns in your ThruTalk Script as well.


Hi %first_name%! This is ____ with _____! _______ is running to make lives better for your community. This campaign is important to me because (personal story here). What issue is most important to you?

  • If No Response - That’s fine. Thank you for your time. [End]
  • If Any Other Choice(Use positive talking point about candidate re: issue) - Do you have any thoughts on that?
    •  If Yes - Will Support - Thank you for your support! Would you be interested in coming to an event to meet the candidate or helping us out by volunteering? [Shift to Volunteer or Event Recruitment script]
    •  If No - Will Not Support -That’s okay, thanks for your time! [End]
    •  If Still Undecided - That’s okay, its important to make an informed decision, is there anything I can do to help you make your choice? What issues are most important to you? [Restart Persuasion Script]

Volunteer Ask

The goal of volunteer asks is to recruit volunteers to schedule a shift for your event/phone bank/texting campaign/etc. Most of the people on this list should be at the very least supporters of the campaign. The goal is to engage the contact and get them to commit to attend a volunteer shift.


Hi %first_name%, I’m ____ with ________. We’re planning to have a(n) (event) this _____ and we’re inviting %candidate% supporters in the community to join us! Can you make it?

  • If Yes- Great! Thanks so much! We have a number of opportunities available, we’ll be canvassing on (day), (day), and (day) from (time), we’ll also be phone banking on (dates and times), which works best for you?
    • If Shift Scheduled- Thanks again for committing to (shift), can we send you a follow up email or text so you have the info in your phone?
      • If Yes - Text (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good number to text you? (Once info is input): Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___! [End]
      • If Yes - Email (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good email address for you? (Once info is input): Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___! [End]
      • If No (use contact widget) - That’s okay! Thanks for your time![End]
    • If Unable To Make Time Slots- That’s too bad! Maybe next time! Can we email or text you to keep you updated on future events?
      • If Yes - Text - Great! What is a good number to text you? (Once info is input): Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___![End]
      • If Yes - Email (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good email address for you? (Once info is input): Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___! [End]
      • If No - That’s okay! Thanks for your time![End]
  • If No- That’s too bad! Maybe next time! Can we text you to keep you updated on future events?
    • If Yes - Text (use contact widget) - Great! What is a good number to text you? (Once info is input): Great! Thanks for your time! See you ___[End]
    • If No - That’s okay! Thanks for your time![End]