Brand Registration and Information, Campaign Verify Tokens, and Use Case Registration

Due to 10DLC regulations, Brand and Use Case registration are required forms for all ThruText clients. Carriers need to know information about your organization and the types of text messages you will send. Both forms are found on the same page in your ThruText account.

  • Brand Registration: Only Account Owners can view and input information into this form. This short form will provide The Campaign Registry (TCR) with basic information about your organization, like your organization's legal name, legal address, and Employee Identification Number (EIN).
  • Campaign Verify: If you represent a political organization registered with the FEC, state, or local election authorities (a 527 tax-exempt organization), you must complete a Campaign Verify registration to obtain a Campaign Verify token. You can enter the token on the Brand & Use Case Registration page in ThruText in the bottom-right corner before applying for your use case. For more information, visit the Campaign Verify website.
  • Brand Information: Once the Brand is registered, we will display the vetting information and tax exempt status.
  • Use Case Registration: Admins and Account Owners can add use case registration information. Use Cases are the 10DLC term for general types of texting campaigns, like "Charity" or "Political."


Adding Brand Registration Information (Account Owners Only)

To add 10DLC Brand Registration information, you must expand the "ThruText Tools" accordion on the left side navigation menu and select "Brand & Use Case Registration." Once you are on the page, you will see the Brand Registration form on the left side of the page.

Screenshot of the navy left side navigation menu showing the Brand & Use Case Registration in the ThruText tools dropdown.

Guidance for Filling out Brand Registration Form

Below are the fields you must complete on the Brand Registration form. Please review the requirements for each carefully to avoid errors in your submission. Please refer to your IRS tax filings when filling out this form.

Organization's Legal Name: Use the name your organization would use for tax purposes. For example, GetThru's legal name is TOSKR Inc., which we would use on our Brand Registration. Remember to double-check spelling and punctuation!

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 

  • US Clients: All GetThru clients based in the United States need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to register their organization's Brand. Your EIN is the key for identifying your organization
  • Non-US Clients: Refer to our guide on 10DLC for GetThru clients based outside the US.

Organization's Phone Number: Use the general contact number for your organization.

Organization's Email: Use the general contact email for your organization.

Organization's Website: URLs are required to see that your organization has an online presence and that the website is verifiable during manual vetting. Please submit the link to your main site homepage.

Address: Use the address your organization uses to file taxes. Remember to double-check spelling and accuracy!

Organization Type: From the drop-down, choose the type that matches how your organization files taxes.

  • Government: The Government entity type is exclusively for verifiable agencies/entities of the current government and should not be used by political campaigns or any other organizations.
  • Nonprofit: 501c3s and 4s, 527s (Political Campaigns)
  • For-Profit (Private): Choose this if you are a private, for-profit company.
  • For-Profit (Publicly Traded): Choose this if you are a for-profit, publicly-traded company.

Industry: Choose the industry that most closely matches the space in which your organization does work.

Submitting Your Brand Registration

Once you submit your organization's Brand Registration, we will pass the information to The Campaign Registry to begin the process. A pop-up will let you know you have successfully submitted your registration. Once the registration approval process has been completed, we will notify you via email.

Screenshot of the brand registration submission pop up box that has a bright pink header with black text below it on a white background.

If you have any questions about the Brand Registration form, please reach out to

Brand Registration Failures & Resubmissions

If TCR has returned your registration as "Registration Unverified," you will be prompted to resubmit your Brand Registration. Please refer to this guide on Brand Registration Statuses and reach out to

CV Tokens

Campaign Verify Tokens: Political organizations (527s only) must submit a Campaign Verify token, which you can generate on the Campaign Verify website. You will need to enter your token in the bottom-right corner of this page before applying for a use case. This section will only appear if you answer "Yes" to "Is your organization a political entity?" at the bottom of the brand registration form.

Brand Information

The Brand Information section displays the information about your brand as received from our vetting partner, TCR. This section appears only after submitting the brand registration.

This section includes the following:

  • Vetting Score: a 0-100 score that determines the throughput level for some carriers. This score is based on the accuracy of information submitted, company size, years in business, business reputation, financial history, civil and criminal legal history, regulatory history, official registration and standing, and business messaging integrity record. 75-100 is a high-tier, 50-74 is an upper-mid tier, 25-49 is a lower-mid tier, and 0-24 is a low-tier score. 
  • Tax-Exempt Status: indicates whether your organization qualifies for tax-exempt use case
  • T-Mobile Daily Limit: the maximum number of message segments that an organization can send to T-Mobile users per day.

The Vetting score and Tax Exempt Status will appear after your Brand Registration has been submitted, while the T-Mobile Daily Limit will only appear after a use case has been approved.

How This Information is Used

Vetting Score

Since the vetting score determines throughput for your use case, it's important to get the highest score possible. The most common reasons for a lower score include:

  • Mismatched Business Information: A mismatch in information submitted (e.g. mailing address) against official records in government or business sources
  • Company Size or Age: Company years in operation less than 1 year or company size less than 5 people as reported by government or business sources 
  • Address: The address is a commercial mailing receiving agency or PO box.
  • Email Domain Mismatch: The e-mail address domain submitted does not match the company website domain
  • Business Not Found: The company information is not found in government business registration or global business sources, such as the IRS, SEC, or state business registries.

For more information about vetting score tiers and how the throughput levels are determined, please see our guide Throughput and Queuing Post-10DLC.

Tax-Exempt Status

The tax-exempt status helps determine which use case you are eligible to register for. It's important to provide accurate company details in the brand registration to help the vetting partner identify your organization type correctly (for profit, 501(c), 527). For more information on which use case to register for, please see our guide Use Case Registration.

T-Mobile Daily Limit

This limit is enforced per EIN, which means that entities, or brands, that share an EIN will share this limit. We recommend using a different EIN whenever applicable to avoid sharing a limit between multiple accounts. This limit can also be shared between different texting vendors if the same EIN is used to create brands on different vendors.

Using a CV Token?

If you are using a Campaign Verify token, the Vetting Score will display as "Active CV Token". If the token has expired, it will instead show "Expired CV Token". The tax exempt status will display as N/A. Lastly, the T-Mobile Daily Limit, which only shows after the use case has been approved, will display "Uncapped", as organization with CV tokens have no limit on how many messages they can send to T-Mobile users.

Up Next: Use Case Registration 

Use Case Registration: After you complete your Brand Registration, you'll be able to register for a Use Case

  • If you are registering for the "Political" use case and are a 527 organization, please ensure your Campaign Verify token is in place before making the selection. (See the section above for information about Campaign Verify.)
  • Use cases have both an automated and manual approval process. After applying for a use case, refresh the page. Your use case will now have a color-coded status next to it. Only use cases marked "Approved" can be used to send messages.