Breaking down a texting campaign's numbers
On an active campaign's Details page, you can see information about the campaign. At the top of the page is general information about the campaign. In the section below is a box of numbers that displays the campaign's analytics. Once a campaign's initial messages are sent, the analytics will update whenever you open the page.
Initials Sent
The first box on the top left shows how many initial messages have been sent so far in the campaign out of the total amount of conversations. In the example above, 1,900 out of 4,755 initial messages have been sent.
The Senders:Contacts statistic shows a ratio of senders to contacts, and is calculated by dividing total conversations by total senders. In the above example, there are 4 senders, so there's a ratio of 1,188 conversations for each sender.
This statisic counts how many outgoing Segments have been sent from a campaign. This number only counts SMS segments, and does not include MMS messages. Above, in the 1,900 conversations in which messages have been sent, a total of 3,927 segments have been sent. You can create a campaign export of the messages to see the segment count for each message.
Queued messages are messages that were held back and not sent to our downstream providers because they observed a 10DLC rate limit. Queued messages are automatically sent when capacity becomes available within the rate limit. To better understand rate limits, we recommend reading this guide: Throughput and Queuing Post-10DLC.
Delivery Rate
Delivery Rate is the ratio between messages that are in the "Sent" status that haven't encountered errors to the total amount of messages in the "Sent" status. In the above example the delivery rate is 96%. Admins can refer to this guide on assessing message deliverability.
Admins can expect their Delivery Rate to exceed 90%. If it dips below 90%, admins should review their message export to see what is driving their delivery rate down.
Total Replies
Total Replies is a count of how many conversations have received any reply from a contact. In the screenshot above, 56 contacts have replied to their conversations. This number includes conversations that have been opted out. Please see our guide for more information on the difference between Total Replies and Non Opt Out Replies.
Total Reply Rate
In the Total Reply Rate, admins can see the ratio of replied conversations to Initial Sent. In the example above, out of the 1,900 initial messages that have been sent, 56 conversations have been replied to, making the reply rate 3% (56 divided by 1,900).
Non Opt-Out Replies
This number counts how many conversations have a reply that are not opted out. In the above example, there are 41 Non Opt-Out Replies.
Non Opt-Out Reply Rate
This rate is calculated by taking Non Opt-Out Replies and dividing it by Initial Sent. This rate shows what percentage of replies were not opt-outs. The Non Opt-Out Reply Rate in the image above is 2%. (41 divided by 1,900).
Opt Outs
This section will appear different based on the Auto Opt Out setting. If Auto Opt Outs is enabled, admins will see all three of the following statistics. If Auto Opt Outs is disabled, admins will only see the "Total Opt Outs" figure.
Auto Opt Outs
Auto Opt Outs are conversations in which a contact responded with an auto-opt out keyword and were automatically opted out by the application. In the example above, 8 contacts were automatically opted out by ThruText, not by a texter.
Manual Opt Outs
Manual Opt Outs represents the number of conversations in which a texter manually clicked "Opt Out" in this campaign. If a contact was opted out in another campaign or through the Opt Out Management page, this statistic will not count those contacts. Reviewing our example, we see 7 conversations have been opted out of this campaign.
Total Opt Outs
This number is the total amount of Auto Opt Outs and Manual Opt Outs on this campaign. In the above example, there are 8 Auto Opt Outs and 7 manual opt outs, which equals 15 total opt outs.
Digging deeper
Using Message Campaign Exports, you can review each message of your conversations in detail. For a count of every incoming and outgoing message in each conversation, refer to the Conversation Campaign Export. To review your account's overall analytics, refer to the Usage Analytics page.
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