Here's what we've been working on.

February 16-22, 2025

  • We made it easier to create groups from VAN lists. When you create a new group from "External Contact Lists", the group creation process will skip to step 2 and automatically select the VAN list for the group.
  • When you create a group from a VAN list, the VAN ID corresponding to the source (MyVoter/MyCampaign) will be automatically selected in step 4.
  • We made it easier to tell which custom fields has been selected during group upload by updating the placeholder text for the default selection.

February 9-15, 2025

  • We changed how Canadian ThruText campaigns apportion sending numbers at launch. This change should reduce the likelihood for these campaigns to fail to launch.
  • We fixed a bug that prevented contact lists from being sent from PDI to GetThru.
  • We updated a staff tool that allows us to place orders for hard-to-obtain phone numbers and connect them to accounts. Reach out to Support if you've had trouble obtaining dedicated phone numbers.
  • We fixed a bug that caused group uploads to become stuck in the "uploading" status. 

February 2-8, 2025

  • We created a group bulk archive tool that can be used by GetThru Staff. If you need several groups archived based on a parameter, such as a date, you can reach out to Support to request assistance!
  • We identified a bug related to using the “Enter” button to send messages in ThruText. To address this bug, we removed keyboard shortcuts from initial message and followup sending. Keyboard shortcuts are still available on the replies screen. To use the Enter key to send initial messages, the Send button must now be focused.
  • We now display relevant rate limit information from our vetting partner on the Brand registration page.

January 5-11, 2025

  • We changed the way that groups are processed to make group uploads faster and more stable. 
    • Previously, every phone number uploaded in a group was associated with its own unique contact ID. If you uploaded two groups with the same number, a contact would initially be created in the first group and then that contact would be updated in the second group. 
    • Now, every row in your group will have a unique contact ID. Two groups uploaded with the same number will create two unique contact IDs. 
    • This means that each phone number will have a unique contact ID in any exports. Make sure to use the phone number to track phone number data across reports. This change should not affect how admins use the tool. This may impact data analysis if the contact ID is used to analyze reporting.
  • We added statistics to the Campaign Analytics section on the admin campaign page. These new stats help to distinguish the replies on your campaign that weren’t opt outs. Additionally, we’ve added a breakdown of opt outs counts to help identify how many 

  • We fixed a bug that prevented incoming calls that came in response to a text message sent from a dedicated number to fail to appear in the conversation.

December 29, 2024 - January 4, 2025

  • Our vetting partner announced that there are new requirements for manual vetting, including a Terms & Conditions section. The use case registration now contains a field for the link to the Terms & Conditions page on your organization’s website

For any questions, please reach out to GetThru Support.